City of Winnipeg - Water and Waste Department
The City of Winnipeg Water and Waste Department:
- delivers high-quality drinking water to homes and businesses,
- provides curbside garbage and recycling collection services to single-family homes, multi-family dwellings with seven units or less, and small businesses,
- collects and treats sewage from homes and businesses,
- manages the Brady Road Landfill,
- provides land drainage and flood control services.
For more information about the Department or any of its services, visit winnipeg.ca/waterandwaste or contact our 311 Centre, open 24 hours every day, by phone at 311 or by email at 311@winnipeg.ca
Manitoba Government
Aboriginal and Northern Affairs
Aboriginal and Northern Affairs is a department of government that is dedicated to vibrant and healthy Aboriginal and northern Manitobans. We work with Aboriginal and northern communities, other levels of government, industry and other stakeholders to promote social and economic opportunities and reconcile the rights and interest of Aboriginal and northern people.
Our Goals:
- Support the development of healthy, safe and sustainable Aboriginal and northern communities.
- Close the gap between Aboriginal and northern people and other Manitobans in their quality of life in the areas of education, health, housing, economic opportunities and employment.
- Enhance food security for Aboriginal and northern people.
- Fulfill constitutional obligations and other provincial responsibilities towards achieving social justice and reconciliation with Aboriginal and northern people.
For more information about our services, visit www.gov.mb.ca/ana.
Health, Healthy Living and Seniors
I'm new to Manitoba. How do I apply for coverage?
If you are eligible (i.e., legally entitled to be in Canada and intend on living in Manitoba for at least 183 days of the year), coverage will begin on the first day of the third month after your arrival in Manitoba. For example, if you arrive on April 29, April will count as the first month, with May and June as the following two. Therefore, in this case your coverage would begin July 1.
When you register, you will need to:
- Complete a Manitoba Health Registration Form which can be accessed at https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/documents/mg1883.pdf
- Provide your previous province's/territory's health card number
- Provide proof of Canadian citizenship (i.e. Copy of Canadian Birth Certificate or Canadian Citizenship Card or Permanent Resident Confirmation Card (copy of both sides)
Until your health coverage begins you should maintain your coverage with your previous health plan.
I'm new to Canada. How do I apply for coverage?
If you are a new resident and would like to apply for Manitoba Health coverage, please present a photocopy of your passport and all other Citizenship and Immigration Canada documents which have been issued to you and your dependants along with a completed Manitoba Health Registration Form which can be accessed at https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/documents/mg1883.pdf. Providing the document you have been issued is acceptable as outlined in The Health Services Insurance Act , you may be eligible for coverage.
Who is eligible for Manitoba Health coverage?
Returning Canadians
You are eligible for coverage the day you arrive in Manitoba when proof of your Canadian citizenship, arrival date and residence status are provided.
Permanent Resident
You are eligible for coverage on your date of arrival in Manitoba when proof of permanent residence is provided or the date permanent residence is granted.
Work Permit
If your Work Permit is valid for at least 12 months in Manitoba, you and any family members listed on the Work Permit are eligible for coverage as of the date it was issued. If your Work Permit is less than 12 months, you are not eligible until you receive an extension allowing you to stay in Manitoba for at least 12 months. You will then be covered as of the date of the extension.
Study Permit (Effective April 1, 2012)
If you are an international student who has a valid study permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada for a minimum of six months and also live in the province for a minimum of six months in a calendar year, you are eligible to receive a Manitoba Health card.
Visitor Record
You are not eligible for coverage unless you are accompanying a spouse or parent who has a Work Permit valid for 12 months or more or a Study Permit valid for 6 months or more. The Visitor Record must be valid for at least 183 days. Dependants who reach the age of 18 must be attending a recognized educational institution or have a Work Permit to be eligible for further benefits.
Please report changes such as a new address, birth, adoption, death, marriage, divorce, or legal separation to the Insured Benefits Branch. Documentation is required for some changes.
Where can I register for Manitoba Health coverage?
Registration and Client Services
Health, Healthy Living and Seniors
300 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3M9
For more information call: (204) 786-7101
Toll free: 1-800-392-1207
Fax: (204) 783-2171
TDD/TTY: (204) 774-8618
TDD/TTY Relay Service outside Winnipeg: 711 or 1-800-855-0511
Website: manitoba.ca/health -
Municipal Government - Property Assessment Services
Manitoba Municipal Government offers a broad range of services to all Manitobans, municipalities and communities. This includes the delivery of comprehensive assessment services to all municipalities within the province (except for the City of Winnipeg) and other agencies. Our services include:
- updating the assessments of all properties every 2 years to reflect market values;
- delivering annual assessment rolls to municipalities, which are used for property taxation;
- producing assessment and delivering assessment notices to property owners;
- preparing property tax bills on behalf of municipalities, for mailing to property owners;
For more information about our property assessment services, visit www.gov.mb.ca/assessment or contact your local Assessment Services office.
Family Services' Provincial Services
Provincial Services administers income benefit and shelter assistance programs throughout the province. The branch provides assessment and processing of subsidies for the following programs:
Income Benefits
Housing Benefits
- Rent Aid for Seniors
- RentAid for Families
- RentAid for Persons with Disabilities
- School Tax Assistance for Tenants 55 Plus (STAT 55+)
- Rewarding Work Rent Allowance
- Portable Housing Benefits
Health Benefits
Provincial Services also provides assessment and authorization for the delivery of Health Services benefits in accordance with approved fee schedules and/or letters of understanding to Employment and Income Assistance participants and children in care.
Residential Tenancies Branch
If you are a landlord or tenant in Manitoba, the Residential Tenancies Branch can help you with matters that relate to your tenancy questions. The Residential Tenancies Branch is responsible for The Residential Tenancies Act, The Life Leases Act and certain provisions of The Condominium Act in Manitoba.Our staff provide:
- Presentations to landlord or tenant groups or agencies
- Information and resources to help landlords and tenants understand their rights and responsibilities under the Acts
- Mediation, to settle disputes between landlords and tenants
- Information on rent increases
- Investigation into complaints of breaches of the Act
For more information about the services we provide, visit www.manitoba.ca/rtb. Or, call the branch office nearest you:
- In Winnipeg at: 1-800-782-8403 or 204-945-2476
- In Brandon at: 1-800-656-8481 or 204-726-6230
- In Thompson at: 1-800-229-0639 or 204-677-6496
Red River Co-op
Red River CO-OP® is a dynamic, Winnipeg-based co-operative with over 290,000 active members and annual sales exceeding $500 million. We have a distinguished history of serving local communities, and have become one of Manitoba’s most trusted and valued brands and the second-largest retail Co-op in Western Canada.
We serve our members daily in our food stores and pharmacies, at our home office, gas bars, car washes and cardlocks, and through our bulk fuel delivery to farms and businesses.
Connect with us:
- Phone: 204-272-8989
- Email: memberservices@rrcoop.com.
For more information on Red River Co-op visit www.rrcoop.com
University of Manitoba
For more than 135 years, the University of Manitoba has delivered life-changing learning experiences for our students and conducted world-class research, sharing our knowledge and discovery to shape our province, country and world. As Manitoba’s only medical-doctoral university, we offer programs in areas as diverse as the humanities, the visual and performing arts, science, medicine, law, agriculture, engineering and architecture. This strong learning environment has helped nurture a climate of academic excellence.
For more information about the University of Manitoba, visit umanitoba.ca.
For more information about changing your address with the University of Manitoba, please contact us at: 204-474-8093 or Alumni_updates@umanitoba.ca